
Division One Web Site Railroad Item of the Month View from the Cab From the Editor's Desk Upcoming Meeting Show & Tell Open House 13th October Classifieds
Vol #55
October 2019

LogoTrain Order

Train Order

Division One of the North Central Region of the National Model Railroad Assoc.
Our mission is to promote education and fellowship through the sharing of information and the promotion of the world's greatest hobby. - Model Railroading.

Railroad Item of the Month

So many words to just say No Heavy Vehicles.

Paul Marsden

View from the Cab

cab In a couple of weeks I will venture with glee toward Motown (Troy, specifically) for the North Central Region annual convention. This will be my 19th consecutive NCR gig. For the first two years I was a member of NMRA and Divison One, I did not pay much attention to this event, nor attend. Then our division hosted in 2000, so I served on the committee, opened my layout, and presented a clinic. That hooked me. I'm to the point now where I don't even pay attention to the clinic list or layout lineup prior to registering. I just sign up and know that I'm going to learn new things, make new friends, and have a blast. I can honestly say that I ALWAYS enjoy our regionals and return home glad that I went! I find that these events provide exceptional value for my money. I spend 2+ days grazing at a non-stop buffet of rail activities for about 60 bucks. (I almost always get a door prize and sometimes it exceeds that cost!) Hotels are reasonable, more so if you share with a buddy. Travel time is short and often there are layouts to visit coming and going.

All of this to say: if you have not experienced one of our regional conventions, please, please give it a try this year! You now have a unique incentive, because a special $30 rebate is being offerred for first-time attenders. You just can't beat the deal and you will find so much to do and enjoy. For more info on the event and rebate, go to this website:

At our next meeting on October 25, we will enjoy a clinic on weathering rolling stock by Brian Mock. I have seen his work personally and just let me say that when I did, I said we gotta bring this guy in! We are also going to provide details on the Christmas Banquet (Dec. 13) and start taking reservations. Cost is $25. As usual, we are counting on you to share your latest projects, ideas, photos, and videos for Show-n-Tell, so start pulling together those offerings now. I'm looking forward to seeing YOU at the Proclaim FM center at 7 PM Friday, October 25. As always, come anytime after six to help set up and fellowship with your friends.

See ya on down the line,

Dave McMullian,

From the Editors Desk

Is fall finally on us? I just finished my final soccer coaching season just in time. Soccer for my son only goes to 6th grade, so he will be too old next year. Will that free up some time to play with trains I ask myself? Then I look outside and see that leafagedden is about on me, and I am close to having many hours in my near future dealing with leaves and nuts. Sigh

At least I have the Troy show coming up. Last year was the first one I missed in 10-11 years because of other commitments, so looking forward to going this year. I just have to remember an aniversary happens a few days after the show. I know Norris has the same dilemma and we might have to think about our better halves at some point over the weekend, and probably hit a flower and/or candy shop before arriving home.

I hope you enjoy all the pictures in this months issue.

Paul Marsden,

Upcoming Meeting

This Friday is our October Meeting! Please welcome Brian Mock who will be joining us and presenting a live rolling stock weathering clinic. Brian uses pigments to create a number of affects ranging from bleaching and dirt/grime to oil stains. We will have camera/video on the big screen so everyone should be able to see how he performs his magic.

A REMINDER - if you bring something to share at the meeting for show and tell, you will get an extra chance for one of the gift cards! This also includes writing articles for the Train Order. So do not be afraid, bring and share what you have been doing. Also make sure when you sign in to check the box that you have an item for show and tell.

I want to thank everyone who participated in this months open houses. On September 15th Jim White opened up his garden layout and had an operating session to boot. Jim's open houses always are always very welcoming and fun event. On October 13, Myself, Doug Tagsold, Rick Lecki and Dex Decker opened up their layouts for the day. A very good time was had by all and we hope to do more very soon. If you missed the open house, you will have another chance at the 2020 NCR Convention. Most of the layouts are currently on the list for the convention!

Marshall Stull,
Assistant Superintendent

Show and Tell

Your pictures could be here next month!!!

Dave McMullian

Class C-2 freighter

Getting difficult to transport so probably last time @ meeting.

Guess he is going to have to open his house every month so we can continue keeping track of progress

Ray Huber. Different ways of detailing cars.

Steve Kellogg. Showed off Different Locos he has worked on.

Jeff Schumaker

His 1x1 layout built for the Small Layouts meeting.

Open House 13th October

Thank you everyone who opened your house/set up layout up. I know I had fun. Here are some pictures I took.

Marshall Stull

Boat Yard Module Set

Doug Tagsold

Colorado & Southern

Rick Lecki

Union Pacific

Dex Decker

Denver and Rio Grande


2019-2020 Schedule

13th September, 2019
25th October, 2019
22nd November, 2019
24th January, 2020
28th February, 2020
27th March, 2020
24th April, 2020
22nd May, 2020
All Meetings start at 7pm

Remember we are hosting the regional convention in 2020. We can never have too many volunteers. Let Dave McMullian know if you would like to help

NCR Regional Convention 2019

Need to know where we meet? Click here for the address and a map
Division One is a 100% NMRA membership organization. For insurance purposes, you are required to be a member of NMRA. Membership in NMRA grants you membership in both the North Central Region and Division One.