Our mission is to promote education and fellowship through the sharing of information and the promotion of the world's greatest hobby. - Model Railroading.
This month's feature is Part 2 of a two part article by Ray Huber on making working signals from very inexpensive components. Ray puts forth in this article, several great ideas for signals.
As always, we need articles for future editions of the Train Order! Please submit any article to div1ncr@outlook.com. Beyond full articles, please tell us what you are up to at div1ncr@outlook.com!! Even if it's just a photo of your layout or something you saw or are trying for the first time. Sharing is the best way to spread the hobby and ideas.
Once again, we had a great meeting in March! Meeting participation was at 40% (33 out of 82) which is outstanding! Although our division has seen a decrease in membership, we have
seen a rise in meeting participation which is a very positive sign. We are making an effort to try new things occasionally to and make the meetings as rewarding as we can.
We understand that the location and timing is not great for everyone. There has been rumors that the division may switch to Saturday meetings. I want to state clearly that
the primary meetings will stay on Friday. It's not the ideal day for all, but has proven that it is best for the majority of members. That said, we will try to do an occasional
meeting on a Saturday in an alternate location from time to time to assist those who cannot make the regular meetings. We had hoped to do this in May 2022 but conflicts with the
regional Convention and Memorial Day have shut that idea down. Not to be deterred, we want to try again over the summer and maybe see what some of our distant
members have been up to!!
Back in 2018, a number of members opened their homes for layout tours around the Toledo area. Then in 2019, we had our northern members in Michigan open their layouts for a day. I would like to ask our Southern/Western area members if they can open their layouts sometime this summer (before September 1). The Southern/Western areas include Findlay, Tiffin, Upper Sandusky, Fostoria, Bucyrus, Bellevue, Freemont and all parts between. We could also include any club layouts in the area if they are available. If you would be inclined to open your layout for a few hours this summer, please contact me at your earliest convenience at mstull@marshallstull.com or use the contact form.
NEW FOR THE APRIL 22 MEETING!! We thought we would try a new twist for the April Meeting Show and Tell by introducing a "Theme". At the March meeting we took an impromptu show of hands and decided the theme for the April Meeting would be Structures! As a result, we are asking that everyone bring something related to a Model Railroad Structure. Now to be clear, we are not asking that you bring a structure you built 9although we do like that). Structures is the THEME and anything about modeling a structure fits the bill!! Here are a few examples of what you could bring:
I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting!!
Marshall Stull,
Hello all, I hope this addition of the Train Order finds everyone happy, healthy, and able to get outside to enjoy the warming weather.
Our clinic this month is going to be a guest speaker from MCR Division 8, Phil Gliebe. Phil will be presenting his clinic on small shelf layouts. He has incorporated both small spaces and operations to create fun and functional layouts in limited space. He has examples from British and American magazines as well as his own layout based on Wisconsin Central RR Valley Division.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend this meeting as April 22 is my 50th birthday and I'll be in Las Vegas. But I hope you all will be able to enjoy Phil's clinic.
Brian Burr,
Assistant Superintendent
Here is a quick breakdown of what to expect at the meeting:
by Ray Huber, Division One - NCR, NMRA
Forget the whole idea, I don't think so! I started this project and I will finish it. By now, you have seen the article, My Favorite Detector in the Feb Train Order, and Part One of the New Dwarf Signal in the last Train Order. Let's be honest, I know very little about electronics. However, it was this hobby we all enjoy that kindled an interest that has allowed me to pursue that interest to a level where I'm comfortable in sharing what I've learned with you. So, what I plan to do now is tie all of the pieces together in the hope they will make sense and you will have something useful to work with. If nothing else, maybe you can use bits and pieces of what you've seen on your own layout.
Let's start by looking at the flasher circuit I talked about last month. There simple, cheap and it does not need to be yellow. As a matter of fact, if you go to YouTube and type in, LED flasher, you'll be overwhelmed with videos on how to make your own. Following are two samples of the many I've seen on YouTube. Yes, you will need to get some parts, know the difference between plus and minus, and be able to solder. Of note, these circuit operates on 12VDC. That's the standard accessory voltage for the Toledo & Maumee Valley RR.
Of all the flasher circuits I found, I've picked two (see below) that are very straight forward, and require next to no knowledge about electronics. All of the parts are listed and can be obtained from any number of US supply houses. I would stay away from the on line bulk sales outlet's in that some products may not be reliable. All of the parts shown are from US supply houses. As was pointed out on YouTube, there are counterfeit items out there!
The red lines represent hard wire connections. They are on the reverse side of the diagram you are looking at. The reverse side is also the side that has small circular soldering pads attached to it.
Each circuit board is Approx 1-1/4" x 1-5/8" in size - your choice!
It all started with a piece of perf board. As you can see, it's been divided into 4 quarters each one being approx. 1-1/4" x 1-5/8". The board can be cut bigger if you like. Components are mounted on the reverse side while all soldering is done on the copper side. NOTE: Circuits #1 & #2 as shown are actual size.
As I was testing each unit, the thought occurred to me that Circuit #2 had a very high flash rate. So high that it almost seemed as if there was no pause between flashes. With that thought, I decided to compare it with Circuit #1 which had a slower flash rate. Using a really high tech method of measurement, I counted the number of flashes in 10 seconds and multiplied that number by 6. Hence I had the number of flashes per minute.
Using Circuit #2 and after 4 or 5 tries to get an average count, the math turned out to be 120 flashes per minute or 2 per second - fast. In fact, to fast for me! Of note, the Capacitor rating for #2 is 2200mf (micro farads). During my readings, I learned that the flash rate can be adjusted (up/down) by adjusting the mf value of the Capacitor. I.e., Higher mf value/slower flash rate & vice versa.
OK, let's run a test! Building a new circuit, #2a, the only change I made was to increase the value of the Capacitor from 2200mf to 4700mf. WOW - instant gratification! The flash rate dropped and after counting flashes, I came up with 60 flashes per minute which for me was acceptable.
Appling the same theory to Circuit #1, I changed the Capacitor from 1000mf to 1500mf. Because Circuit #1 was already at 60 flashes per minute., I anticipated the new rate to be slower or around 40 to 45 flashes per minute. After the change and testing it, the new flash rate for Circuit #1a averaged 45 fls/min.
All that's left now is to place any of the units along with a signal like the one/s we've just discussed on your layout. Studying the wiring diagram shown on page 4, you can see where a flasher unit/s need to be installed - assuming you want to fool around with one! For me it was a fun project and I did learn from the experience. After all, that's exactly what this hobby is all about!!
And there you have it! Thanks for your time and enjoy, The World's Greatest Hobby!
Here is where we post news, announcements, items for sale, free stuff, or whatever message you need to get out. Just drop an email to div1ncr@outlook.com and we will get it in the next issue.
Steam Railroading Institute Welcomes Dean Pyers as Executive Director
announcement may be dated April 1, but this is no joke!! Our own Dean Pyers has been named Executive Director of the Steam Railroading Institute in Owosso Michigan.
Dean has been an active volunteer at SRI since 1994, taking on an ever expanding list of roles and responsibilities, from car
host to engine maintenance to grant writer. Dean's new position as Executive Director was effective, April 1st, 2022.
Read the full press release HERE.
Model for Toledo Train Day
Toledo Train Day is asking if anyone has a Model of a circa 1897 (or close) Lake Shore & Michigan Southern passenger train that can be displayed as part of the
festivities at the Toledo Union Terminal?? If so, please contact Marshall at mstull@marshallstull.com