Our mission is to promote education and fellowship through the sharing of information and the promotion of the world's greatest hobby. - Model Railroading.
This year is an election year for the Black Swamp Division (NCR Division 1). A suggestion was made at the last meeting that all open positions with the responsibilities of each should be listed for the membership. So, in this issue we have done just that! Most positions are open and there are a few appointments that need to be made as well. At the October meeting we hope to announce the Nominating Committee Chair who will be responsible for handling nominations. Please, please consider stepping up and helping the division fill some of these positions.
As always, we need articles for future editions of the Train Order! Please submit any article to div1ncr@outlook.com. Beyond full articles, please tell us what you are up to at div1ncr@outlook.com!! Even if it's just a photo of your layout or something you saw or are trying for the first time. Sharing is the best way to spread the hobby and ideas.
At our September meeting, we announced that there would be a delay for the Financial Budget review. We still plan on having this review at the October
meeting and this will make October, one of our two required official meetings for the 2022-2023 season (the other will be the May meeting where we will have our
election). With these things happening, expect the business portion of the meeting to be a little longer than usual. It is a necessary evil, but we will try
to be as quick as we can so we can get back to the reason we meet, TRAINS!
Due to the length of the clinic and business portions of the meeting our Show and Tell will be postponed and brought back at our November Meeting. My theme suggestion for the Novemebr Show and Tell is "Your Favorite Subject". let us know at the meeting what you think and bring suggestions for something else if you like.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting!!
Marshall Stull,
The clinic for October is being presented by Larry Hickman and Mike Finkler. One part of the clinic is about the lime industry in Gibsonburg from the mid-sixties through the early eighties. This is the period that Larry worked switching the lime plants. It will cover the five plants, the commodities, and the switching operations.
Another part will focus on Mike Finkler's layout where the Gibsonburg plant occupies an impressive 8' x 10' L section. They'll cover the operations and switching of the plant and photos. If you've been lucky enough to see this in person, you know just how impressive this is.
Brian Burr,
Assistant Superintendent
Here is a quick breakdown of what to expect at the meeting:
This year we must elect officers again (it seems like yesterday that we just did this). All of our current officers have the option to keep serving if they want to. A new Nominating Committee Chair will be named at the October meeting. Anyone wishing to volunteer and run for an office will need to contact the Nominating Committee Chair. The ballots will be posted in the April 2023 Train Order and the election will occur at the May 2023 meeting.
Below are the open positions and what their responsibilities are. We will talk about this at the meeting and answer any questions anyone may have.
Here is where we post news, announcements, items for sale, free stuff, or whatever message you need to get out. Just drop an email to div1ncr@outlook.com and we will get it in the next issue.
Free-mo Cornfield 8 - October 9-11
At the September meeting, I shared a couple photos from the Free-mo Cornfield 7 meet in McClean IL. We almost filled a gym with our layout back them. Just a week ago we concluded the Cornfield 8 setup. This setup was the largest yet seen by the group. It included people from far and wide! The finished layout had a main line which went around the entire perimeter of the gym and included three branch lines which snaked their way through the middle of the floor. Please enjoy these photos and a copy of the plan.