Our mission is to promote education and fellowship through the sharing of information and the promotion of the world's greatest hobby. - Model Railroading.
Please be aware that the meeting schedules for November and December are NOT the fourth Friday of the month because of the holidays! Due to Thanksgiving, our November meeting will be Friday November 18th. Our December meeting will be on Friday December 9th. MAKE NOTE OF THESE DATES!!!
The December 9th meeting will be where we give back to the members after having a great past year! We will have catered food so come hungry! More information/details will be presented at the November 18 meeting and in upcoming email announcements. We do need to get a count on how many will be there on December 9th so we have enough food ordered.
Please click here to let us know if you will be at the December 9th Meeting!
As always, we need articles for future editions of the Train Order! Please submit any article to div1ncr@outlook.com. Beyond full articles, please tell us what you are up to at div1ncr@outlook.com!! Even if it's just a photo of your layout or something you saw or are trying for the first time. Sharing is the best way to spread the hobby and ideas.
Our October meeting was a great success! We had over 30 members attend, enjoyed a great clinic by Larry Hickman and Mike Finkler and got through our required business agenda. The interaction between the members was great as we plowed through the required materials. We now have a budget for 2022-2023, agreement to move forward with a change to the Bylaws, and we have a focus for our December 9th meeting.
The November Show and Tell will not have a theme. All at the meeting agreed our subject is anything Model Railroad related! We had discussions on how the same people seem to keep sharing and we need more involvement. After that EVERYONE was challenged with bringing something in November. Even I was personally challenged by the members present, to bring a show and tell item. It was agreed that if I bring something so will other members. Well, for those who made the challenge, make sure you have something!! I will have mine! In the end, Show and Tell is all about sharing and having fun. I have several items I could bring and selecting the most item interesting to everyone is my biggest challenge. Hmmmm, Latest decoder install, Interior LED lighting, the trashed locomotive I picked up on eBay and brought back to life? You will have to show up to see what I bring.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting and seeing what you have for Show and Tell!!
Marshall Stull,
This month our clinic will be presented by Ray Huber. Ray's clinic is about small space layouts. His topics will cover downsizing, shelf layouts, and using drawing aids. Some of us don't have massive basement empires or even a whole room to dedicate to a layout so this is a topic many can find informative.
Brian Burr,
Assistant Superintendent
Here is a quick breakdown of what to expect at the meeting:
Here is where we post news, announcements, items for sale, free stuff, or whatever message you need to get out. Just drop an email to div1ncr@outlook.com and we will get it in the next issue.
Donations Received
The Black Swamp Division was presented with donations totaling $775.00 by Mike Bruss during the October Meeting.
The donations were from the sale of model railroad items belonging to the late Hollis Merrick ($125.00) and Chuck Williams ($650.00) by the Toledo Model Railroad Engineers (TMRE). The TMRE decided that the remains of the collections should be sold, and the proceeds donated to the Black Swamp Division. It should also be noted that Phil Kauffman and Jerry Sahagian spent many hours and days disassembling these two layouts. Many of us know what a job that can be and appreciate the work they did for a fellow member and their family.
The Black Swamp Division is very grateful for the donation and sends a big THANK YOU to Mike Bruss and the TMRE!!
NCR One-Day Convention at Division 9
Rich Mahaney has reported to the Region Heads that the One-Day Convention at Division 9 was a success and gives thanks to all that attended! below are a few images from around the event. if any of our Black Swamp Division members attended and have insight to share about the event, please bring them to the November 18th meeting for Show and Tell.