NCR Black Swamp Division (Div 1) Officers

Superintendent - Marshall Stull
Assistant Superintendent - Brian Burr
Chief Clerk - Richard Marquard
Treasurer - Randy Bosscher
Trainmaster for Services - Steve Glass
Director At Large - David McMullian
Director At Large - Tony Kukwa

Appointments and Helpers

AP Program - Ron Gilbert
Editor/Webmaster - Marshall Stull
AV/Computer Support - Steve Glass
AV/Computer Support - Steve Richwine
New Member Outreach - Open

Contact Us

We Need Help!

We need stuff for the Train Order! Please submit any article/photo/information to the editor. any kind of information is great, please tell us what you are up to!! Even if it's just a photo of your layout, something you saw, or what's on your worktable we would love to see it.

Sharing is the best way to spread the hobby and ideas.

Contact Editor

LogoTrain Order

Train Order

Vol #92 August 2024
Division One of the North Central Region of the National Model Railroad Assoc.
Our mission is to promote education and fellowship through the sharing of information and the promotion of the world's greatest hobby. - Model Railroading.



Welcome to this SPECIAL SUMMER EDITION of the Black Swamp Division (Div 1) Train Order! I have received so much information since our last meeting that I decided it was best to put out this special issue and get the latest information out to our members. We also have our annual Summer Outing coming up which will include the Steam Railroading Institute in Owosso, Michigan with a side trip after to lunch and the Durand Union Station and Museum.

So grab your favorite summer beverage, sit back, and enjoy the Train Order! I look forward to seeing you at the Summer Outing!



The Summer Outing will be on Saturday August 24th. We are scheduled to arrive at the Steam Railroading Institute in Owosso, Michigan at 11:00AM for our tour. There is no cost, but donations are gladly accepted. After the Steam Railroading Institute, we will head over to Durand Michigan for lunch and a visit (and maybe some railfanning) at the Durand Union Station and Museum. This trip is open to everyone so please feel free to bring your spouse, child or a friend!

Travel time from Toledo is about 2 hours. As we get closer, emails will be sent for meeting location(s) and carpooling. If you can be a driver, please indicate that you can on the RSVP form.

Steam Railroading Institute

The Steam Railroading Institute is dedicated to educating the public about steam era railroading in Michigan and the Great Lakes Region. This includes the preservation of the skills and technology for maintaining steam locomotives by operating steam era equipment and providing the experience of steam locomotives in actual operation. The Steam Railroading Institute is situated on the site of the former Ann Arbor Railroad's steam shops and roundhouse in Owosso, Michigan. Visitors will get a firsthand look at what it takes to restore, maintain, and operate railroading equipment from the golden age of steam. The institute is currently home to both the Pere Marquette 1225 and Chicago & North Western 175 along with many other pieces of unique equipment. Additional information is available at


Lunch at the Union Station Smokehouse

Located directly across from the Durand Union Station, the Union Station Smokehouse offers outside seating with a view of the station and the diamond crossing. Additional information and the menu is available on the website at If this restaurant is not to your taste, there are several other selections within walking distance.

Durand Union Station and Museum


Due to its unusual structure, the Durand Union Station is one of the most photographed train depots in the United States. The depot is also the home of the Michigan Railroad History Museum, an educational and entertaining source of Michigan's rich railroad history. The museum, library, and archives contain a wealth of railroad information for rail enthusiasts, researchers, and genealogists. Included in the collection are photographs, ledgers, technical railroad information, union materials, and a variety of other documents pertaining to railroading in Michigan.


VERY IMPORTANT, we need a head count! Please RSVP using the button below


There will not be a clinic until our regular meeting in October but until then please start thinking about our annual "What I Did Over the Summer" show and tell meeting on September 13th! Now is a great time to start putting together those photos, projects or helpful tips for Show and Tell.

We are always looking for members to step up to present a clinic. We cannot rely on the same few members to come up with new clinics. They get burned out, or we get the same clinics over again. A clinic can be as simple as reading an article in a magazine and trying it out yourself, or researching an area that interests you and giving a brief talk. It doesn't have to be a big production. Please consider helping out OUR Division.

See you there,

Brian Burr,
Assistant Superintendent


Let's begin by saying WELCOME to our new members who have joined in 2024. For the first time in a while, we have had positive growth! Rerails (those who left and came back) along with two new first time members ]have increased our numbers in the Black Swamp back above 70 members! I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for spreading the word and working hard on our outreach programs (like the Spring Modelers Meet) over the last year.

I have been doing a lot of footwork meeting and talking with potential members. Very often I hear, "What motivation is there for me to join?" At least that is the short version of what I hear. It is surprisingly difficult to express how being a member of the NMRA and being involved in the hobby, to better the hobby, is a very fulfilling experience. I am also amazed a how many negative comments I hear about the NMRA. There seems to be a stigma that the NMRA really needs to shake. I think everyone knows at least one fellow modeler who is not a member for whatever reason. Please next time you meet a non-member, make it a point to mention a positive comment about your experience with the NMRA. Especially with the Black Swamp Division. For every negative thought out there, it takes a dozen positives to move the needle back.

I look forward to meeting our new members in the very near future, perhaps at our Summer Outing?

Marshall Stull,


The following are some of the items people brought to our April Meeting. If you brought something and I missed it, please drop me an email with a photo and I will get it included in the next issue.

Steve Kellogg shared an Atlas locomotive he converted into B-unit SD24. Steve used brake fluid to strip the old paint before making modifications and applying his own paint and decals.

Larry Wolohon (clinician for the meeting) brought an O scale refrigerator car.

William Frisk brought a lantern from the Ontario and Western Railroad circa 1930.

Tony Kukwa brought an Ann Arbor RR car with a wheel load made from old plastic wheel sets. Tony also showed an AHM thral doorcar that he updated with new trucks, details and couplers. He also showed a Train Miniatures Reefer and two McKeen Conrail box cars built from kits. Tony found a round top D&M box car at a show which may be an Accurail car.

Nancy Whitehill brought a Lego Orient express in G scale. This of course came as a kit with way too many pieces!! How did she have the patience?


Meet Our Newest Member

Mitch Niemiec of Sylvania is our newest member and sent some photos to share with everyone. Mitch's favorite part of the hobby is building craftsman kits. Below is some of his work.


If you know about an event happening in our division, please let us know so we can make everyone aware. If a club is having an open house, setup, or other activities, we could help promote it!

NOTE - Cut-off date for ordering shirts is September 10, 2024. There will be NO shirts available at the convention!

NOTE- Cut-off date for dinner is October 1, 2024.

NOTE- Operations are on a first come, first serve basis. Register early so you do not miss out!