The Black Swamp Division (Division One) of the North Central Region (NCR), National Model Railroad Association (NMRA)
National Model Railroad Association (NMRA)
North Central Region (NCR) of the NMRA
Clubs within the Black Swamp Division
These clubs are located within the Black Swamp Division and although not 100% NMRA, we all enjoy the greatest hobby.
Modeling the C&O and Clinchfield Railroads in the Appalachian Mountains. This club has regular open houses and hosts operating sessions.

Montpelier Trackside Modelers
HO Model Train Club. Located in Montpelier Ohio. The club meets weekly and has operating sessions every month. Adult and junior members welcome.

Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation
NWORRP is unique among area railroad groups in that our volunteers incorporate a diversity of interests – from model size to 1/4 scale to full size. or on Facebook at
Modular Organizations with Black Swamp Membership
These are modular clubs which contain members of the Black Swamp Division

Northwestern Modular Railroaders
The Northwestern Modular Railroaders is a model railroad club dedicated to bringing the fun of model trains to the public through displays of operating railroads and fine model making.

SE Michigan S Scalers
We exhibit our display layout at shows and conventions, facilitated by our own customized trailer and wheeled carts. Over the years we have taken our portable layouts to events in eight other states besides Michigan. Our monthly meetings offer fellowship, show-and-tell of projects we’re working on, and news within both the modeling and railroad prototype worlds. SMSG welcomes new members, whatever your experience level might be!

Great Lakes HOn30 Modular Group
The Great Lakes HOn30 Module Group is an informal group of modelers from Ohio and Michigan, with a couple members relocated to Texas and Arizona. We model the two foot gauge railroads of Maine in HO scale, primarily the Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Ry.

SE Michigan Free-mo
Free-mo is a North American standard which allows any Free-mo module to participate in any Free-mo setup across the USA and Canada (not just SE Michigan events). Open events are announced (call for modules) through the group e-mail site SE Michigan events are announced on the Facebook group and via the SE Michigan site

Lakeshore Garden Railway Club
We are an established organization with over 30 years of operational, experience. Our club meets once a month, at a location that is suitable for the activity planned on our calendar.
Promote Your Club Layout
If you are part of a club layout or modular group within the Black Swamp Division area, please let us know about it and get listed here!