NCR Black Swamp Division (Div 1) Officers

Superintendent - Marshall Stull
Assistant Superintendent - Brian Burr
Chief Clerk - Richard Marquard
Treasurer - Dean Pyers
Trainmaster for Services - Steve Glass
Director At Large - David McMullian
Director At Large - Randy Bosscher

Appointments and Helpers

Editor/Webmaster - Marshall Stull
AV/Computer Support - Steve Glass
AV/Computer Support - Steve Richwine
New Member Outreach - Randy Bosscher
Election Chair - David McMullian

LogoTrain Order

Train Order

Vol #81 January 2023
Division One of the North Central Region of the National Model Railroad Assoc.
Our mission is to promote education and fellowship through the sharing of information and the promotion of the world's greatest hobby. - Model Railroading.

From the Editor


With the New Year comes some new changes to E-mails and the Website. Last year we successfully moved our website from paid hosting to free hosting under the NCR's plan. This year we are changing how e-mail notifications are handled, added a new e-mail address and setup an automated system for new members and those curious about us to subscribe to the Train Order.

E-mail Changes

In a continuing effort to modernize our web presence and infrastructure, this month we started using the free e-mail subscription service Mailchimp. This new service allows us to easily add and remove e-mail addresses as required and allows us to track e-mails to ensure they are reaching our members. In order to meet MailChimp's requirements, we have created a new e-mail address based on our URL, Please make note of this new e-mail address and if it lands in your spam, make sure to mark it as safe in your preferred mail reader.

Website Changes

Along with the new e-mail services, we now can allow anyone to subscribe to our newsletter directly through the website. At the top of each page on the website is a new "Subscribe" box where a person may add their e-mail and automatically added to our mail list. This also allows us to reach out to potential members by keeping them informed about what we do and what we are about. Current Division Members should not worry about getting your name on the subscription list. All current members have already been added to the subscription list. If you have a secondary e-mail you would like added, please enter it into the subscription box.

As always, we need articles for future editions of the Train Order! Please submit any article to Beyond full articles, please tell us what you are up to at!! Even if it's just a photo of your layout or something you saw or are trying for the first time. Sharing is the best way to spread the hobby and ideas.

View from the Cab


Even though we are already near the end of January, I want to wish everyone Happy New Year! 2022 was fun and rewarding but somehow, I just feel relieved that the holiday season is over. Family, drink and merriment is great for a while but it's good to let it all go and get some hobby time back.

Looking forward to 2023, we have several items we need to address. These include the upcoming election, new equipment and planning our summer outing! These will be some of the topics up for review at the January Meeting.


The plan is for elections to occur during the April Meeting. Refer to the October Train Order for a complete list of offices. If you would like to run for office or just be a volunteer for helping out, please make contact with Dave McMullian. If you do not have his contact info, just reply to this e-mail or use the contact form at

New Equipment

Back in November the membership agreed to move forward with the purchase of a new laptop and screen. The Board met over the Holiday break and came to a consensus on the equipment and made the purchase. The equipment is in and will be debuted at the January Meeting!

Summer Outing

Please come prepared to discuss potential locations/venues for our summer outing. One of our members has prepared a long list of potential locations to consider and we will be reviewing that list and any other ideas you may have at the January Meeting. Last year we did a layout tour of Division 6 layouts which went very well (even though it was a last-minute effort). Some things to consider for the summer outing:

  • Should be train/hobby related
  • Must be within a reasonable travel distance
  • Should be able to accommodate up to 30 individuals (ok to split into groups if required)

Additional Items?

Now is the time to bring forth any suggestions, comments or grudges. We are at the start of a new year and it's the perfect time to discuss what works and what does not. Is the status quo ok or do we need to make some changes? If you have an idea (or complaint) and do not want to bring it up in front of a group, please feel free to contact me directly at or by phone at 248-817-9328.

One area I think we can improve on is Show and Tell! I don't know about everyone else, but I thoroughly enjoy seeing what everyone else has been up to. We really have some great items show up but it always seems to be the same people in most cases. It really does not matter if it is something you bought or something you built. It does not have to be a physical thing, bring a photo of the layout or a place you went. Beyond a model, here are some other ideas:

  • an item you are researching (photo/drawing)
  • a track plan idea you have
  • a strange photo to identify
  • a question about why the railroads did something
  • a unique industry you found

I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting and seeing what you have for Show and Tell!!

Marshall Stull ,

Clinic Corner

Hello everyone! Hopefully the new year is treating you well.

The January Clinic will be presented by me! This is my first clinic and is based on my interpretation of an article from the January 2022 Model Railroader, Forest in a Flash.

I'll show how I made a backdrop forest that transitions from your detailed scenery to the flat backdrop without using a ton of trees.

I hope to see you all at the meeting!

Brian Burr,
Assistant Superintendent

January 27th Meeting Agenda


Here is a quick breakdown of what to expect at the meeting:

  • Rip Track Table - Have items you want to sell or just give away? Put them on the table
  • Business - updates and latest happenings
  • Show and Tell
  • Break
  • Clinic - Brian Burr, Forest in a Flash
  • Closing Remarks - Announcements and Open Discussion Points

Doors open at 6:00PM, Meeting Starts at 7:00PM
Proclaim FM Community Center
7112 Angola Road,
Holland, OH 43528.

The lighter side of the hobby

Tool Tip

Call it a tool or call it a gadget. This idea comes from Jim Treadaway. Jim's workshop is in the basement of his house and when he used his soldering iron, he would worry about the possibility that he left it on. A soldering iron left on is of course a fire hazard and with his hip giving trouble he did not need extra trips up and down the stairs to check things are turned off. The link to this smart plug is

Using a smart plug solved his problem! Jim does not have a smart phone (and is not looking to get one soon) so the type of smart plug he choose (see image) includes a timer. If he will be working for a short time he simply clicks the button to a preset timer and the plug will automatically disconnect power after that time elapses. So, if you need peace of mind, perhaps you should use a smart plug in your shop.

Layout Tour - The Stinky Creek Railroad

On January 17th I attended an operating session at Jim Treadaway's Stinky Creek Railroad. Jim has been away from our meetings for some time due to some health issues but that has not stopped him from having occasional operating sessions and being an exceptional host. Jim is very talented building structures and setting scenes on his layout. Below is a few images of scenes/structures I found interesting on his layout. Click and image to see a larger version.

Division Happenings

Here is where we post news, announcements, items for sale, free stuff, or whatever message you need to get out. Just drop an email to and we will get it in the next issue.

On the Black Swamp Division Facebook Page

Jim Wolsiffer has been hard at work on a new SD60 project and has been posting regular updates on Facebook. Check out the Division Facebook Page for more.

Upcoming Events
(click to enlarge)

If you know about an event happening in our division, please let us know so we can make everyone aware. if a club is having an open house, setup or other activities, we could help promote it!

Check out the new Event Listings page on the NCR website!